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Estimating Measurement Uncertainty
Course Introduction
Introduction to Uncertainty (10:42)
The Concept of Uncertainty
The Concept of Uncertainty Handout
The Best Uncertainty Statement (3:55)
Uncertainty and Error (4:27)
Random Error (5:13)
Systematic Error (5:52)
Error Variation (2:47)
The Limitations of the Experimental Approach (7:52)
Causes of Error (8:35)
Types of Error (6:18)
Theory vs Experiment (7:48)
The Goal of Uncertainty Estimation (9:23)
Summary (4:11)
Quiz 1: The Concept of Uncertainty
Quiz 1 Feedback
Example Part 1: Defining the Measurement Process (5:36)
Identifying Uncertainty Contributors
Identifying Uncertainty Contributors Handout
The Circle of Uncertainty Contributors (3:55)
The Environment (4:28)
The Reference Element and the Measuring Equipment (4:40)
Measurement Set-up (1:59)
Software and Calculations (6:31)
The Metrologist (1:55)
The Measurement Object and the Measurand (4:23)
The Measuring Procedure and Physical Constants (3:05)
Sources of Information (6:19)
Quiz 2: Identifying Uncertainty Contributors
Quiz 2 Feedback
Example Part 2: Brainstorming Uncertainty Contributors (9:09)
Modelling the Measurement Process
Modelling the Measurement Process Handout
The Mathematical Model of the Measurement Process (6:12)
A Complex Equation (3:38)
Getting to Independent Contributors (3:11)
Thermal Expansion Part 1: Correlated Contributors (6:36)
Thermal Expansion Part 2: Assuming Identical Thermal Expansion Coefficients (5:01)
Thermal Expansion Part 3: Assuming Identical Temperature (3:34)
Thermal Expansion Part 4: Independent Contributors (6:04)
The Appropriate Level of Detail (4:21)
The Interaction of Repeatability and Resolution (5:14)
Correcting for a Known Error and Implementation vs Measurement Uncertainty (5:37)
Summary of Modelling the Measurement Process (2:59)
Quiz 3: Modelling the Measurement Process
Quiz 3 Feedback
Example part 3: Consolidating uncertainty contributors (10:16)
The GUM Method
The GUM Method Handout
Introduction to the GUM method (5:56)
Type A evaluation (6:52)
Type B evaluation (2:45)
Type A and type B: Highway speed example (11:43)
Standard uncertainty (3:13)
Distributions for type B evaluations (12:52)
What if I pick the wrong distribution? (4:29)
Type A and type B summary (2:59)
Combined standard uncertainty and the central limit theorem (8:59)
The coverage factor, k, and its purpose (3:32)
Quiz 4: The GUM method
Quiz 4 Feedback
Example part 4a: Temperature difference (10:57)
Example part 4b: Difference in thermal expansion coefficients (8:18)
Example part 4c: Scale error (4:35)
Example part 4d: Resolution (4:25)
Example part 4e: Parallelism of jaws (4:25)
Example part 4f: Repeatability and reproducibility (simple study) (6:37)
Example part 4g: Combined standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty (3:34)
Example part 4h: Repeatability and reproducibility from an AIAG GR&R study (7:12)
Uncertainty Budgeting
Uncertainty Budgeting Handout
Overview (1:51)
Sensitivity Coefficients (3:33)
Average Slope over the Uncertainty Range (2:54)
Sensitivity Coefficients Example (10:14)
Correlation (7:47)
Documenting an Uncertainty Budget (2:15)
Type A Evaluations (6:33)
Type B Evaluations and Equations (2:19)
Sufficient Level of Detail (2:04)
Linearization (7:49)
Uncertainty Budgeting Summary (1:45)
Quiz 5: Uncertainty Budgeting
Quiz 5 Feedback
Example Part 5 (4:22)
The PUMA Method
The PUMA Method Handout
PUMA Method Introduction (3:54)
The PUMA Diagram (1:17)
The Initial Uncertainty Budget (6:12)
PUMA Example Part 1 (3:54)
The Uncertainty Budget Loop (2:58)
The Measurement Conditions Loop (3:05)
The Measurement Principle Loop (1:27)
PUMA Example Part 2 (3:33)
The Measurement Task Loop (3:40)
Using the PUMA Method for Measurement Process Design (5:00)
Measurement Process Design Methodology (1:39)
Measurement Process Design Example Part 1 (3:44)
Measurement Process Design Example Part 2 (3:28)
Quiz 6: The PUMA Method
Example Part 6 (7:26)
Quiz 6 Feedback
Course Summary
Estimating Measurement Uncertainty Summary (8:50)
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PUMA Method Introduction
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