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ISO GPS - Geometrical Product Specifications
Training on the ISO GPS system from the chairman of the technical committee that writes the standards.
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Featured Courses
GPS 100 - Introduction to Geometrical Product Specifications
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An explanation of the benefits of GPS and the difference between systematic GPS and traditional tolerancing.
Henrik S. Nielsen
GPS 110 - Dimensional Tolerancing
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The basic rules for dimensional tolerancing within GPS.
Henrik S. Nielsen
GPS 120 - Introduction to Geometrical Tolerancing
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An introduction to geometrical tolerancing within GPS.
Henrik S. Nielsen
GPS 121 - Degrees of Freedom Analysis
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Understand how tolerance zones lock toleranced features
Henrik S. Nielsen
GPS 122 - Tolerance Zones
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Tolerance zones are the building blocks of geometrical tolerancing. Learn about the shapes of tolerance zones and how to control their ability to move.
Henrik S. Nielsen
GPS 123 - Datums and Datum Systems
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Datums and datum systems are the tools you use to constrain a tolerance zone for one feature on the component to one or more other features.
Henrik S. Nielsen
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